Sunday, December 7, 2008

December Job Hunting

In any economy December is a bad time to look for a job. In this economy, forget it. Thankfully I'm not prone to panic attacks.

I have a subfile on my favorites list for job search websites, and it has about 30 places that I check at least 4 times a week, and any time I sit down at the computer I look at about 10 of them. I'm sure that some day I'm going to click on one of them, and it will say:

VIVIAN!!!!! Where have you been? We want YOU!!!!!!!

So far, that hasn't worked.

But my computer is near my woodburner, so my feet stay warm, and I can hear the TV in the background, and I keep the cigarettes and iced tea at hand. Occasionally my cat chirps and touches her paw to my leg to see if I'm done yet (she can't meow, she chirps). If I'm still busy I smile at her, so she lies down in front of the woodstove and returns to her little cat dreams.

It's a good life. As long as the unemployment doesn't run out.

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