Sunday, December 7, 2008


I am a frustrated writer. I started a novel 4 or 5 years ago, and haven't written anything in 2-3 years. It's good. I reread it occasionally and I really like it. I know what I want to happen, I have my story, but it just sits. I don't know what to do.

If I could just break through and write the rest of the story, perhaps I could sell the book and I wouldn't have to worry any more about a job. Wouldn't that be grrreeeeat?

Sometimes I know exactly what I'm going to write, and I get all ready, go to the computer, boot it up, sign on, call up the files, then I read what I've written, save everything, shut it down, and go back to the TV.


I'd love to have a writing mentor, or a writer's group or something to help.

Speaking of mentors, my other kitty just climbed up on my shoulder. My chair back is just big enough for her to lie across it and put her head on my shoulder so she can watch what I'm doing. Her weight is comforting, but she is tempted by the screen movement, and her little paws reach out in my peripheral vision. It's cute. I love her.

1 comment:

  1. get up tomorrow.. and just start writting, don't look at what you wrote yesterday. just write, don't worry about anything else, challenge yourself to write for 15 min(set the timer) who cares if it makes sense. you can make sense of it next year.
