Saturday, December 13, 2008

The System Sucks

If I read a book that detailed the things that have been done to my family, I would throw it in the trash and call it whining tripe. I can understand where cliches come from now, and our current favorite: No good deed goes unpunished.

Too much detail, and I don't know that I want the story out in the ether anyway. But at what point do you just throw up your hands and go underground? You follow all the rules, you do exactly what is asked of you, you do more than that just for the extra credit and they screw you anyway. How easy is it to fall off the grid? Home school your kids, build a windmill, tap a natural gas well, build a solar panel? Grow a garden, milk a cow, raise some chickens? Disappear?

Feeling disgusted, tired, overwhelmed, and ready for the funny farm today.

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